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Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Watchtower Bible and Tract
documentary 2016 The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, also called Jehovah's Witnesses, makes a special effort to depict themselves as an exceptionally instructive association. As of late they got rid of a whole assemblage meeting (genuine thought process in cancelation will be talked about at a later time) to support a 'family consider night." They will indicate their diverse "school"s" they have made as the years progressed. Whether it is the Theocratic School, Ministerial Training School (now old) or the Gilead School or a few "instruction" handouts now in print... Jehovah's Witnesses might want the world to realize that they empower study, learning and application.
In any case, for those that have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses, the fact of the matter is darker.
Beside their open demoralization of advanced education, school or college, the Governing Body has resolved to print a few direct summons to not consider with anybody or anything, outside the composed gatherings they have incorporated with the structure of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Affirmed "study" sessions incorporate the Sunday meeting, Theocratic School, Service Meeting and individual study. In the event that it gets to be realized that any individual or gathering is meeting to "study" the Bible outside of the alloted plan... that individual or gathering is instantly called into examination. Inside minutes a genuine hearted individual that is looking for answers can be lessened to "detestable" individual... rationally infected... a backslider.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has industriously advanced a state of mind that any "study" outside of their association is mistaken, loaded with blunder or more terrible... really made by Satan to misdirect humankind.
To what extent has this crusade against investigation of the Bible or other source material been going on? Are these cases only the biting translations or lies of ex-Witnesses who have an issue? Consider for yourself the remarks made by the self announced 'loyal and tactful slave class'. Keep in mind, at the season of this written work, this data is administered to more than 7 million distributers, excluding non-Jehovah's Witnesses:
"Or maybe we ought to look for ward Bible concentrate, as opposed to for autonomous Bible study." - Watchtower, Sept 15, 1911, pg. 4885
"The world is brimming with Bibles, which Book contains the decrees of God. Why, then, do the general population not know which approach to go?... In the event that we are to stroll in the light of truth we should perceive Jehovah God as our Father as well as his association as our mom." - The Watchtower; 5/1/1957; pp. 274
"Hence the Bible can't be appropriately comprehended without Jehovah's unmistakable association as a top priority." - The Watchtower; 10/1/1967; pp. 587
"Just this association capacities for Jehovah's motivation and to his recognition. To only it God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a fixed book." - The Watchtower; 7/1/1973; pp. 402
"Regardless of where we may live on earth, God's Word keeps on serving as a light to our way and a light to our roadway as to our behavior and convictions. (Ps. 119:105) But Jehovah God has likewise given his unmistakable association, his "loyal and careful slave," made up of soul blessed ones, to help Christians in all countries to comprehend and apply legitimately the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in contact with this channel of correspondence that God is utilizing, we won't advance along the street to life, regardless of the amount Bible understanding we do." - The Watchtower; 12/1/1981; pp. 27
"Does 'the steadfast and prudent slave' [Watchtower organization] support free gatherings of Witnesses who get together to take part in Scriptural research or verbal confrontation?- Matt. 24:45, 47. No, it doesn't." - Kingdom Ministry, September 2007, p. 3
This is a little sampling..over quite a few years... of what the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has expressed to their adherents. In any case, every single individual ought to take the time contrast the quotes above and what the Bible itself states:
"All Scripture is motivated of God and gainful for educating, for upbraiding, for setting things straight, to discipline in exemplary nature, so that the godly man might be completely skillful, totally prepared for each great work." - 2 Timothy 3:16, 17
As one peruses that verse straight from the Bible... on the other hand as Christians accept... from the mouth of God, there is nothing open for elucidation. The Bible is finished in itself; it isn't loaded with data you will require an association in Brooklyn, New York to disclose to you. There is no sign that you require 3-4 gatherings a week, many books or 'study helps', Watchtower or Awake magazines, the course of the Governing Body or any other individual.
No, the Bible itself leaves ANY man or lady "totally equipped"... leaving a Jehovah's Witness to ponder where this line of intuition originates from... what's more, all the more critically, what is it's intention.
On the off chance that a man was taking a gander at the Watchtower Society's writing with a basic eye, they would see that the rationale is self-evident: absolute dedication to a distributed organization.
Most, if not all, of the writing printed by Jehovah's Witnesses is intended to request dutifulness to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and additionally the Governing Body. From at an early stage in the "organization"s" history, predictions and Bible verses have been translated to demonstrate the Watchtower as God's mouthpiece to humanity.
In many cases, these "elucidations" found in Watchtower writing are the very meaning of preposterous. For instance, the numerous "translations" they've endeavored utilizing the Book of Revelation. Consider a couple:
The Finished Mystery, page 230 (Rev 14:20) alludes to the separation of 1,600 furlongs which ends up being the separation between Scranton, Pennsylvania and the Bethel (Watchtower) central command in Brooklyn, and Rev 14:20 anticipated that would be the separation between the two Watchtower workplaces; Scranton where the composition was begun and Brooklyn where it was done!
The Revelation Climax book (now bafflingly no longer available simply like all other Watchtower books on Revelation) went ahead to apply all the forecasted trumpet impacts to Jehovah's Witness traditions held anyplace from Cedar Point, Ohio to Ontario, Canada. Yes, the Apostle John sat in a jail cell on Patmos seeing dreams of Jehovah's Witness traditions held in football stadiums in the 1920's. Why? Nobody can clarify that part, it is just educated as "truth."
In the event that you are a Jehovah's Witness or are "contemplating" with Jehovah's Witnesses (read: rehashing words written in their productions back to the conductor) you do well to inquire as to whether an association that not just debilitates private or gathering concentrate far from their supported meeting plan, however requests that anybody that does as such be "evaded" by family and companions, is really an association that would speak to a God of adoration.
The choice is up to every peruser.
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