Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dr. Carter G. Woodson

WW2 Documentary Dr. Carter G. Woodson saw that dark training was loaded with voids. Woodson is the Father of Black History Month and the second African American to get his PhD from Harvard University. By 1915, he took upon himself the undertaking of filling those voids of learning that dark individuals needed about themselves.

In 1926, Woodson set up a yearly week-long festival of dark history, then known as Negro History Week. The week he picked in February fell on the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, men whom we have figured out how to connect with the consummation of subjugation. In 1976, this week of commending dark history was extended to the whole month of February. We praise dark history month in February on the grounds that Woodson, child of a previous slave, picked that month, not on account of it is the most brief month in the year.

In observing Black History Month, we ought to recollect that there is still genuine work to be finished. We ought to consider that school course readings and projects just quickly specify blacks in American history or scarcely say Africans in world history. In Fact, as indicated by Dr. John Henrik Clarke, through prejudice, African history-that is, the greater part of world history, has been deliberately altered out of our training. This is decisively the reason Woodson set up Negro History Week. In 1926, this was a radical thought. The educational programs of training for dark individuals had been left in the hands of whites where regardless it remains today.

Do you not see anything amiss with this?

In this nation, both American and East Indians, Jews, Asians, Arabs, Hispanics, and Caucasians, aggregates that every still talk in their own dialects, generally, don't leave the training of their kids altogether in the hands of another society; yet, African Americans whose predecessors were taboo an instruction, prohibited to talk their African dialects, showed that their African society was malicious until they figured out how to trust the falsehood, who have had and still have the most negative pictures that saturate American culture, inside the last thirty or so years, have settled on the cognizant choice to leave, just about completely, the historical backdrop of their way of life and their American encounters in the hands of the individuals who have the most to pick up by annihilating it-advocates of Western/American instructive frameworks.

Presently, I ask you, today, whose battled is it that excessively numerous of our kids don't have the foggiest idea about their history, as well as would prefer not to know it?

In 1933, Dr. Woodson saw this issue coming 100 miles not far off. He foreshadowed it, laid it out, and let us know what to do to forestall it. Simply read his The Mis-instruction of the Negro. He said, "The main inquiry which concerns us here is whether these "informed" people (Negroes) are really prepared to confront the trial before them or unknowingly add to their own demise by sustaining the administration of the oppressor."

Woodson realized that the force of a people lies in their comprehension of who they are and their capacity to pass this learning down to their young. At the end of the day, your history is your system of roots that plant you immovably on your establishment so you can remain steadfast and tall with your head held high. Nobody can thump you off of such an establishment.

Without examining your history, who will recall your mom, your granddad, and whatever remains of your progenitors? Without esteeming your history and going down a convention for concentrating on it, who will recollect that you when you are no more? Maybe the best motivation to praise dark history month is to commend the amount you esteem yourself.

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